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Friday, July 23, 2004

Mmm... Router

Huzzah! It's later. I'm here at work waiting for Carl (Fluxbox Carl) to meet me here so I have time to rant about things. I am going to start looking for a wireless router. If I don't find one that I like, I will build one. And put Slackware on it. Muhahahah! Why? Because understanding and setting up a DHCP server and using IP-chains sounds like a great way to learn more about networking. I already have a decent knowledge of hardware and it's underpinnings, but I'm not exactly a network guru yet. That's where I want to improve. Besides, it may save me a coupla bucks. I already have a 5-port switch, so I'm set as far as needing to wire a machine up. The apartment would benefit from a wireless network, as I wouldn't have to run obtrusive cables from the cable modem to my room... Plus, if I built a modem, I could use Slackware. Did I mention that already? Wellp, I gtg... methinks Carl is here. I will post more later. -Slackware Errrr.... David.


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